Thursday, November 12, 2009

A Fashion Intervention

Its now been pointed out to me, by at least 1000 loyal readers, that a fashion oracle, such as myself, should not display a picture in which one of his cohorts is wearing a sleeveless hoodie. I’m certain you have all seen the photo I’m referring to. I sit regally on the couch sipping, if I recall correctly, a mint julep -- no doubt prepared with a healthy portion of Knob Creek. To my left there is a young man, presumably in eyeliner, wearing a hideously offensive, striped sweater with no sleeves and a hood.

Sadly, but for the sake of propriety and my own reputation, I must confess that the couture criminal is none other than my own brother, Mr. Patrick Michael Perreault III.

You can save the jokes about him looking like a cross between the Hamburglar and Bill Belichick. I won’t entertain such cruel slights against him.

Yes, we all know that the sleeveless hoodie takes the cake for being the ugliest hybrid; just when we thought the Prius and Puggle would reign supreme for eternity. However, I will not allow those types of blasphemous, albeit true, comments to be uttered. Not on this blog, not about my flesh and blood.

Look, not all of us are living in the Perreaultashere. Some just orbit around it, like a wayward moon circling a planet alone; confused and without aesthetic grace.

Rather than rub the dust off his fragile, little wings, I urge you to write in. Let him know that while the sleeveless hoodie makes pleated khakis, cargo pants and white dudes wearing Kangol hats seem cool, he still has time to change. Please post your comments soon. There isn’t much time.
Go Well, Brothers

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Quick Fashion Tip and Contest Update

People are always asking me: Do ascots still have a place in menswear? Depending on your build and how you rock it, my answer is a cautious yes. The ascot is like strawberry flavored lubricant, it can be the defining touch or a fruity mess. Below I have provided a few tips on how to properly wear the ascot:

The Collar
1. When wearing an ascot make sure your collar is starched and folded inside your blazer or sweater. Never, I repeat never, have the tips of your collar wide open, pointing at your shoulders. Don’t do that no matter what, but especially not when rocking an ascot. If you violate this simple rule you’re going to look more like Barry Gibb of the Bee Gees than Carry Grant in ‘To Catch a Thief.’

2. Don’t be a caricature. The last thing any of us want or should want is to look like the frat boy who makes it his thing to go to parties dressed ‘whacky’. That guy is not only a douche, he is probably an alcoholic. The ascot deserves the same respect you pay your Mother or cobbler. If the rest of your gear is somewhat flashy or busy, tone down the ascot. If, as I prefer, the rest of your ensemble is subtle and classic, allow the ascot a little more leeway to pop off the page.

More Overkill
3. Finally, and I wish I didn’t even have to mention this. When wearing the ascot, don’t wear cologne or a bunch of accessories. Personally, I go the route of no jewelry, not even a watch, no matter what I’m wearing. I also never wear cologne. The only scent allowed in the Perrealtasphere is Old Spice Deodorant, Original Scent.

Coolest Politician Update:

Seeing as how Kim Jong il and Joe Lieberman are currently the leading vote getters, I think I’m going to hold off on naming a winner. I encourage readers to continue submitting their picks.

And even though Kim Jong Il is a 3 foot tall, homicidal maniac, he is still way cooler than Joe Lieberman.

Finally, please feel free to write in your fashion concerns. I know some of you struggle, especially those of you in law school. I can help.

Go Well, Brothers

The Boston Tea Partiers

If I have the time I usually try to run from my house to the Capitol and back. On most days, especially in the fall, it is a beautiful run. Baby faced staffers sit on park benches playing brick breaker on their blackberry’s, grade school kids on field trips hold each other’s hands, forming giant chains so they don’t get lost, and gusts of wind sweep red and orange tinted leaves off the pavement and into the vomit crusted beards of homeless men.

Today, however, something wasn’t right.

As I approached the Capitol, I noticed a raucous band of misfits, clad in early 90’s apparel. I couldn’t quite make out who they were; it looked as if an evil scientist had cloned the entire cast of Roseanne. But something must have gone terribly wrong during the experiment -- they were so angry.

As I came closer, a woman in a pleather jacket, clutching a half-eaten jelly doughnut, yelled “New Jersey is Republican.” The crowd cheered. A man next to her holding a sign that was written in faded purple, misshapen block letters, which read: GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY WIFES COUNTRY yelled “Virginia, baby.” The crowd erupted, again.

I scanned the pack of mongrels, expecting to find a pale, obese scientist, dressed in white linen and flanked by a piano playing midget, but he was nowhere to be found. Despite appearances, I guess this wasn’t Moreau’s island.

Who are these people, I accidentally said aloud.

“They’re tea partiers” a scared reporter whispered.

As the chaos mounted, I became overwhelmed with a feeling of deja vu. I had been here before. I had seen these creatures elsewhere. Somewhere, sometime I had been a part of defeating this toothless aggression.

Then it hit me -- the scene was reminiscent of a Lakers game I had gone to last Christmas. It was the year’s biggest contest. We were facing those miserable bastards, the Boston Celtics. My girlfriend, her family and I showed up to the Staples Center about an hour early, so we decided to go to the bar. I ordered my usual, Dewers on the rocks with a splash of Pellegrino and a lemon twist. Things were going swimmingly for about two delicious sips.

Next thing I knew my senses were pummeled. The smell of clam chowder and Budweiser accosted us. Sophomoric chants about the Lakers, so foul I shant repeat, followed. In an instant the hallowed grounds of the Staples Center looked more like the food court at a Kmart( Though, I've never actually been to a Kmart).

How these inbred New Englanders afforded the airfare to God’s Country was beyond me. Perhaps they saved coin by electing not to replace their disgusting, stain ridden Celtic rags. Rather than buy new, more relevant gear, they made a collective pact to let their guts hang out of Larry Bird jerseys that looked as if they could have been on display in the children’s section of a Salvation Army.

Brothers, it was terrifying.

That afternoon the Lakers defeated the Celtics and I left the Staples Center feeling euphoric. Although, I couldn’t help but wonder if anyone else noticed how much Paul Pierce looked like a giant, Trig Palin with pubic hairs glued to her grill.

Little did I know that less than one year later I’d be confronted by these lowbrow guerrillas, again. I suppose it made sense. The original Tea Party was held in Boston, and, as every sane person recognizes, nothing good has ever came out of Massachusetts except the Kennedys, Matt Damon and Thanksgiving. They also had in common an ineffective means of organizing and a faulty cause. Just as the Lakers are now world champions despite the belligerence of Celtic fans, NY-23 went to the Democrat for the first time in one hundred years, despite the screaming and sign waving of the Glen Beck contingency.

I ran home faster than usual, hoping that increasing my heart rate would purge my mind of what I had seen and remembered. It didn’t work, but I wasn’t scared. If anything, I was more convinced than ever of a future dominated by Democratic rule and Lakers Championships.

Go Well, Brothers

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Invoking the curve: In Search of America’s Coolest Politician.

The other day a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to go to a “club” with him. When I seemed less than thrilled, he said, as if to sweeten the pot, “come on, man… we’ll get bottle service.” Nice try, pal. And I thought this guy was my friend. As far as I’m concerned, being behind a little red rope with a bunch of douche bags wearing collared shirts with embroidered skulls, bootleg cut jeans and pointy leather shoes, trying to get girls who seem patently disinterested, to drink from a bottle of chilled Grey Goose, is about as cool as Karl Rove rapping.

But it got me seriously thinking about people’s perception of cool. As is often the case, I started thinking about cool as it applies to politics. Before long I was racking my brain for the answer to a complex question: who is the baddest man or woman in public service?

Both Barack Obama and Bill Clinton have been compared to John F. Kennedy, but I don’t really see it. Most of the time politicians get graded on a curve when it comes to coolness. It’s similar to how athletes are considered really hot if they are at all attractive. See Danica Patrick, Maria Sharapova, Derek Jeter. Much like Anna Kournikova or Tom Brady in the looks department, Jack Kennedy was cool by any standard. For Barack Obama and Bill Clinton, as much as I love them, the curve must be invoked

I know President Obama is fairly good looking, calm and collected, intellectual and athletic. Actually, I don’t know if he is truly athletic. Does anyone else wonder why he never plays basketball in shorts? But I digress.

Bill Clinton received favorable publicity because he was young and played the saxophone. But is that really cool? Youth isn’t expressly cool. Think Tucker Carlson or Miley Cyrus. And playing the saxophone makes you sick if you’re John Coltrane, not if you are a kid in the school band, or a politician on the world’s most annoying talk show (even as a wee lad, I knew Arsenio Hall was whack).

There are a lot of elected officials, almost all Democrats, doing really great things to change the way we live. But that’s Einstein cool, I’m talking about Frank Sinatra cool.

And please spare us the tired adages about how it doesn’t matter if a politician is cool so long as he is an effective legislator. That’s a given. In 2004, when there was endless chatter about how Americans would prefer to drink a beer with George W. Bush rather than John Kerry, a friend of mine angrily said “I don’t care about having a beer with my president. I just want him to run the country.” I agree with his point, but what if it wasn’t one or the other?

So in the spirit of Mad Men and the guy from the Dos Equis commercials, I want to know who the coolest American public servant is.

I’m not just talking about presidents either. In fact, since there is only one president, and he probably would garner most everyone’s vote, let’s leave him out of it. What about Senators, Representatives, Governors, Mayors, City Councilmen, even Delegates. What do you got?

Please don’t confuse playboy or jet setter for cool, either.

I mean someone who dresses like Don Draper, is as comfortable in their own skin as George Clooney and has the intellectual Breadth to get in the weeds of foreign policy with Hillary Clinton (so maybe Frank Sinatra was a poor example).

I’m sure the next few days will be heavily dominated by election talk, as it should be. I will certainly be weighing in .However, after you’ve read 1000 different yet extremely similar reasons why Deeds lost and Hoffman won, how the tea baggers are cannibalizing the Republican Party and the Democrats are doomed in 2010, take a moment to think about my question.

I am going to do a little research, weigh people’s responses and come back with a winner.

Go well, Brothers

Monday, November 2, 2009

An Introduction to the Perreaultasphere

There are decent well meaning people out there who disappoint their friends and family on the regular. Despite having the best intentions, they continue to be ridiculously uninformed about politics and sports, while dressing in cargo pants, skate shoes and Abercrombie and Fitch polos.

There are also those who know sports, but not politics, or follow sports and politics but dress like Jerry Seinfeld. Imbalance is treacherous. I can make you whole.

The Perreaultasphere is a users guide to feeding the bird. Don't know what that means? You will soon.Think of the Perreaultasphere as comb for the unkempt coif that is your social life. For some of you, my musings will simply affirm who you already are. For others, those who I am most concerned about, this blog will be transcendental.

You want to know if you can rock a sweatband while you workout? Of course you can. In fact, I want you to.

Are you scared about the possibility of Uber-conservative, tea party endorsed, nut job, Doug Hoffman winning the NY-23 special election? Don't be. If Hoffman wins it will only embolden the Sarah Palin wing of the Republican party, making it easy for the Democrats to claim victories in 2010 and 2012.

What about sports? Are you tired of having nothing to contribute to the convo when your girlfriend's Dad starts making obscure baseball references? Tell him Andre Ethier and Matt Kemp of the Dodgers are shaping up to be the future of baseball. That ought to tighten his jock strap.

Go well, Brothers